Down East February 1991

February 1991

The table of contents from the February 1991 issue of Down East.


Maine Lifestyles for the 1990s

As Maine, along with the rest of the country, struggles to settle back into a more ordered lifestyle after the excesses of the 1980s, considerations such as craftsmanship, utility, and affordability are moving to the forefront in housing and other lifestyle decisions. In this annual issue devoted to the variety of Maine living, the editors report some trends  fit for the nineties.

A House for the Nineties

Inspired by traditional New England mills, a husband-and-wife team designed a house for themselves that is rational, energy-efficient — and affordable. By Beth Crichlow.

A Talent for Rocks

To build the Maine camp of his dreams, the author apprenticed himself to a master builder notable for strong construction and strong opinions. By David Morine.

Putting a Dream Together

When it finally came time to build their dream house, Hank and Monika Bonser found that a remanufactured kit saved them time, grief, and dollars. By Chase Reynolds.

A Wild Touch

Nature requires dedicated helping hands to produce a natural-looking flower garden. A case in point is found on Mount Desert Island. By Jane Lamb.

Making Friendly Furniture

Cabinetmaker David Stenstrom finds that a dab of color here and there adds a contemporary and convivial touch to his period creations. By Liz Blanchard.

Saturday Night at Sunday River

After hours, workaholic staffers at Maine’s busiest ski area recreate amidst all the comforts of home.


Room With A View

Madonna’s  product is narrowly based, to say the least, but her marketing skills are honed to a fine edge, and it probably isn’t necessary for her to know anything at all to appeal to those who find her fascinating. By Caskie Stinnett.

The Talk of Portland

Phantom Valentine

Along the Waterfront

Tax Angers Boatbuilders

Down East Bookshelf

Bodies of Water by J.S. Borthwick

The Maine Viewpoint

Saving Scenery

North by East

Opinions, advisories, and musings from the length and breadth of Maine.

I Remember

Night Sledding

Cover: This archetypal farmstead, the home of retired state highway patrolman Richard T . Grover, Jr., and his wife, Grace, has been the object of admiring glances  from passersby near Wiscasset for more than 150 years. Photograph by Brian Vanden Brink.